Tether Technologies TT-1020000 Gravity Digital Tethering Solution


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Details: Tether Technologies TT-1020000 Gravity Digital Tethering Solution

Gravity closes the risk gap in current access control solutions utilized by security, janitorial and engineering employees. Gravity bolsters the safety, proper procedural and compliance initiatives implemented by the facilities management company to ensure both lives and property are protected. Gravity doesn't find access cards/keys, because they are never lost in the first place. Gravity tethers your cards/keys by using an electronic signal that works as a 5-7 step, mobile barrier around the worker. Upon breaching this radius, Gravity's unique alarm, vibration and strobe light are triggered. The user quickly retraces steps to recover the Key unit, catastrophe avoided!


  • GRAVITY is the first and only industrial-grade, digital tethering solution that automatically preempts master key separation and loss

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Tether Technologies TT-1020000 Gravity Digital Tethering Solution

Tether Technologies TT-1020000 Gravity Digital Tethering Solution