Ojmar 033 OTS Advance Electronic Lock

033.A000454-179PZ - BLUE002.P0112

Left Handed
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Details: Ojmar 033 OTS Advance Electronic Lock

Ojmar OTS Advance

Our RFID locker locks will complement perfectly any access or management system implemented in a facility. It is the technological alternative to mechanical locks.

Its operation using a proximity device whether it is a key, a wristband or the Wellness® key is really easy.

Main Features

  • Power supply 4 AA 1.5V batteries.
  • Battery life: 30,000 cycles.
  • Low battery detection: stand alone via NFC programmer or integrated into an access control system.
  • Comunication interface: NFC
  • Temperature range: -20ºC/`70ºC.
  • Protection against solid and liquid bodies: IP55.
  • Protection against external impact: IK7.
  • Protection against internal impact: IK9.
  • Display: LED red, green, orange.
  • Compatible with: Technogym, Milion, Egym, Preva.


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Ojmar 033 OTS Advance Electronic Lock

Ojmar 033 OTS Advance Electronic Lock